4 Minute Read
Posted by Michael Bradburn on June 9, 2017

Say what?  You have probably heard this differently.  I first heard it as “Physician, Heal Thyself”.  A physician client once told me that physicians manage their money the way you and I manage our health.  That is to say, not so well.  So, the title here came from an admonition to physicians to do a better job of caring for themselves, with their own health and their finances!

Have you heard the question, why do the cobbler’s children have no shoes?  Same point.  Why does the chess master miss the move that we all saw as the better choice?  Could it be that we all tend to live inside our own head?  Is our head so deep into “the game” of business that we don’t look around for ways to advance?  Are we so focused on our business that we are missing some obvious improvements that present themselves while we are looking the other way?

This was me several years ago.  Then I met a Performance Coach who wrote a book by the title of “The Game.”  His name is Sarano, and he changed my life.  Or, better to say, he showed me how to change my own life.

With his teaching, I doubled my income in 12 months.  I also suspect that our class doubled his income in the next 12 months.  We drifted apart after several years, but I retained the lessons.  Then I met a Canadian performance coach named Simo Can.  Simon has a course that focuses on our lack of understanding of human nature and the hierarchy of human needs that we all possess.  Simon helped me get our practice running like a well-oiled machine.  Our income went up again.

Both coaches represented a substantial financial investment in our practice.  Each of them showed us how to return several times our original investment.  Both delivered an outsider’s point of view that made a huge difference in how we play “the game” of being a mover and a shaker in our community.

Why didn’t I/we make these changes before the coaches arrived?  Too busy?  Too many seminars and meetings?  Not enough innovative products?  Not enough money?  Not enough time?  Nobody to talk to today?  Paying attention to the wrong priorities?  Our website’s fine?  What do they know about MY business anyway?

Put all this together and here are the lessons I learned.  First, none of us will ever have all the time, all the money, all the skills, all the staff, etc. that we think we will need when somebody says, “What did we need to do this week (or month) to grow our practice?”

The second lesson I learned is that a good coach can show you how to improve your game.  Every time.  How, you ask?  They aren’t the one trying to swing the golf club perfectly.  But they can surely see what we are doing wrong and point this out so we can adjust.  Some of the highest paid pros in the business continue to ask a coach for specific pointers on the parts of their game that need work.

The same goes when choosing between non-traditional investment strategies.  It is important to align yourslef with an organization that is transparent, communicative and has excellent market expertise in a specific investment discipline.  More importantly, this strategy needs to be simple and effortless to integrate into your existing practice.   At Capstone Capital Consulting, we understand how valuable your time is and deliver a complete platform to meet the needs of your clients while keeping it easy for you, the Advisor.

If you’re ready to take your RIA practice to the “next level”, give us a call to learn more about The Capstone Platform, a system that has transformed the Senior Life Settlement market.  In most cases our clients were NOT in the Senior Life Settlement business when we met.  They needed to explore and investigate the product.  Your due diligence is important.  You will soon discover that there is a lot to learn here.  But the learning curve is a gentle slope when you have Capstone on your team.  Want to discover if we can improve your “game?”  Contact us now.

Capstone wants each of our affiliated advisors to succeed.  The Capstone Platform on-boarding procedure is a comprehensive process including contracting, Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) development, on-site training, case development, automated transaction processing and advisor-branded sales and marketing material.  The Capstone Team of experienced professionals are here to show you an innovative way to grow and differentiate your advisory practice with the timely introduction of The Capstone Platform.

Advisors interested in differentiating their practices and growing their businesses with a minimum of $25MM AUM have proven to be the best candidates.  To learn more about The Capstone Platform, call Jason Bokina at 404-504-7006 or email info@capstonecapitalconsulting.com.